Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Golan.

Sun rise in the Golan and I am caught in the stillness. In this morning hush theYehudia and the jilabun threaten to not exist.

Slowly, the busses steam across, waking up the roads. The tractors begin their labor, waking the settlements.

To imagine;
In these very gorges and fields, where nature seekers take pictures and drink natural spring water, dying soldiers said their last prayers.

Amongst these ancient ruins, where a nation studies it very own heritage, war machines cried and went up in smoke.

From these look out points where crashing water falls sing beneath them, one commander called for retreat while another danced in victory.

I reluctantly enter the bus, but Jerusalem is my next stop and the sun fully shining makes it easier for me to say goodbye to my favorite place in the world. The place where I originally experienced ultimate freedom and creativity. A place where I learnt to rely absolutely on friends and like a circle make them absolutely trust me.

While praying, I proclaim many praises and I ask nothing for myself.
I only ask that the Golan is never again to be threatened.
She is sound and color, a home for many and a place to visit for many others.
Even in her modesty she is a symbol of strength and resilience.

The Golan is me and I am not a bargaining chip!