Sunday, November 16, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

ושבו בנים

His face flashes on the screen and I wonder –

When he leys on the cold nameless floor, does he remember the feeling of his own bed?

When faceless captors beat and threaten him, can he picture his mothers smile?

When cold winds pierce through is tattered clothing, does the thought of home comfort him?

When all air has left his lungs and his body becomes numb to all pain, can memories of Mediterranean beaches and vibrant cafes still exist?

When his stomach squeals from hunger and his throat dries from thirst, does he think of the waterfalls in the north and the falafel stands in the center?

When he no longer remembers where and who he is, would he still recognize his brothers in arms?

When time moves so slow and the thought of never coming home begins to settle, does he know thousands who never met him now miss and love him?

His face reappears on the screen and I wonder –
Does he still look the same?
Is he even still alive?