Friday, July 11, 2008

RARA report #2

The front yard was littered with toys, dolls and balls. The inside of the house looked as if a tsunami had swept through.
But all made sense when Yael told us that she is the mother of six adopted children, two dogs and two cats. She spoke to us about the hardships of bringing up children who were not biologically her own. Yet, with the deep affection she displayed we would have never guessed that they were not her own.

Besides for being a mother to six children, Yale plays an active role in a small Jewish group. The few Jews that live in Mittagong get together for monthly Shabbos dinners and Yom Tov celebrations.
While Yael is happy with her life in Mittagong, she still expressed how much she missed living in Sydney; being surrounded by a more Jewish atmosphere.
While we held and played with the children, we explained Yael the concept of Hashgocha Protis; that every entity and action in this world is guided to its ultimate purpose by g-ds wisdom and choice. There must be a reason why she no longer lives in Sydney and must make the most of her work with the jewsih community in Mittagong and with her children.

On our way out Yael could not stop thanking us for the much needed boost, and of course, for taking the kids out of her hands for a few hours.

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