Wednesday, June 11, 2008

3 years.

A naïve conqueror of you valley’s and your hills.

A curious child yearning to learn the secrets of your past.

A holiday greeting for your vulnerable yet fearless settler. For your cynical yet defiant soldier.

A Free spirit living in the enemy’s reach.

A believer that you will be there for me in my time of need.


Humor in the comfort of blood stained walls.

Mysticism in a hateful, close minded society.

Joy in the presence of a million humbled corpses.

Dancing to the tune of faith, body to body with naked souls.

Love to brothers and sisters I shall never forget.


A mentor through the hardships of accepting religion.

A rock amidst an ocean of instability.

A big brother to the adopted awkward foreigner.

A teacher who brings back the voices of mothers and fathers.

A diligent student Shaded by beauty, crime, carelessness and fear.

1 comment:

the sabra said...

ok you GOTTA explain.
your writing is sucha tease (perhaps only for those that don't know you?)