Monday, June 30, 2008

RARA report

Twenty years living in Australia and still Yossy has remained a genuine Sabra. His way of dress, Hebrew and hand expressions demonstrate it. Of late, life has been an unfortunate struggle for yossy. After much suffering, his wife of twenty years succumbed to cancer and his business has now shut down. "You boys could not have come at a better time" Yossy told us as we sat over coffee in our traveling Mitzva mobile. "Such divine providence that we meet in a time when I am so depressed and down, G-d must be showing me that things will be looking up from now."

We took the opportunity to done Teffilin with him. As tears slowly rolled down his Cheeks, Yossy said the prayer and then a few silent words to his deceased wife. We gave Yossy a chanuka Menora and made an early moring L'chaim, giving Yossy lots of Brochos and encoureging words. Yossy then accepted a resolution to put on his Teffilin once a week.

As we said our good byes I could already see changes. When we first sat down he was a man who had hit rock bottom. Now he looked confident and encouraged. Shows what a listening ear can do. But more importantly, we realized it was Yossy who taught us. We learnt the importance of trust and belief in G-D not only in the good times, but also in times of despair.

It is moments like these that make living in trailer home for over a month well worth it.

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