Friday, June 6, 2008

Jerry's Kosher Deli.

Nancy is on acid. Tonight she possibly dined on “shrooms”.
For ten years now nobody has asked her to leave.
Yet sadly, nobody ever accepts her invite to dance.

In a universe all alone she waves and she spins. But her act is outdated
Even her dog seems tired and indifferent.

THOMAS is quick with a smile, or a good word.
Why not? The tips are more generous and it’s easier to bum a smoke.

Still, I am sure there is another place Thomas would rather be.
Lounging by his television set, or in his woman’s arms seems like good bets.

WILLIE could have been another Bob Dylan.
But there were so many before him and “The times they are changin”
With his art and his words of wisdom Willie rules the patio.

Out of the kindness of the heart
All give Willie a drag. All give Willie a gulp.

looks more professor than musician.
But that does not stop him from playing the tunes and moving the crowd.

True his glasses keep sliding down his nose
And between each song he drinks yet another beer.
But the city has taught Jake - it’s all about the music and not the flare.

RACHEL plays hard to get, night in and night out.
Still, the guys all fight for attention.

In any other joint she would be indiscernible.
But here, with her choice of red wine, healthy diet, school degree and opinion on the world
Even the band is dedicating songs to her.

ME, I am noticed, but tonight all of mankind is one.
I interact and I learn.
But I know, within the haze, my farewell is everlasting.

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